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Reflective dramaturgy

12.04.2010 |

UKREP 2010 (13.-16. 05- 2010)

Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Prijateljeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana


"First, I have to say that a dramaturge's body is not that anatomical monster, the "outside eye". A dramaturge's body is complete, it belongs to the performance." (A. Lepecki, Maska, 2001).

A series of lectures with discussions entitled "Reflective Dramaturgy" will attempt to answer the following questions: What is dramaturgy in dance? What kind of work does dramaturgy entail? What is the relationship between a dramaturge and other co-operators in a dance performance? The concept of dramaturgy was extended from the field of the theatre to other contexts, thus acquiring numerous other meanings.

The series of lectures and discussions is part of the Ukrep 2010 festival, which is »based on the estimation that the Slovenian space lacks dance dramaturges and that the artistic and cultural practices in the Slovenian space are segregated. Thus, we have initiated five dance projects in which dancers and choreographers collaborate (1) with the makers of other artistic and cultural practices and (2) with younger dramaturgical teams. Along these points of departure, Maska Institute has aided us in the organisation of a conference focusing on dramaturgy (in dance), while the festival also presents three projects which go in line with our programme starting points in one way or the other.« (Rok, Vevar)

THURSDAY, 13.05.2010
15:00 Dramaturgy symposium: Martina Ruhsam
: Dramaturgy of collaboration, PTL

FRIDAY, 14.05.2010
12:00 Presentation of the book written by Jeroen Peeters
Jeroen Petersa, Janez Janša and Leja Jurišić

16:00 Dramaturgy symposium: Jeroen Peeters: Heterogeneous dramaturgies, PTL

SATURDAY, 15.05.2010
15:00 Dramaturgy symposium: Janez Janša
: Dramaturgy that establishes a field for a negotiating position, PTL

SUNDAY, 16.05.2010
15:00 Dramaturgy symposium: Una Bauer
: The dramaturg as a negotiator or a mediator, PTL

Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: + 386 1 431 31 22
        + 386 1 431 53 48
Fax.: + 386 1 431 31 22