Order form

May 2002

07.05.2002 | Prešernovo Theatre Kranj

At Senses At Times


13.05.2002 | Cankarjev dom, Lj.



20.05.2002 | Ljubljana

Maska 73-74

24.05.2002 | Ljubljana

Stelarc - publishing

26.05.2002 | Kapelica Ljubljana

Stelarc - lecture


27.05.2002 | Kapelica Ljubljana

Stelarc press conference

28.05.2002 | Cankarjev dom, Lj.

Theory on teh Scene - round table

Marranca, Pristaš, Cvejić

29.05.2002 | Cankarjev dom, Lj.

Wosster Group - dictionary

B. Marranca

30.05.2002 | Festival Exodos Ljubljana

At Senses At Times


31.05.2002 | Festival Exodos Ljubljana

Miss Mobile

Emil Hrvatin


Jun 2002

06.06.2002 | Dance Week Festival, ZKM, Zagreb

Q&A. Very Private. Very Public (6pm)

Emil Hrvatin

06.06.2002 | Dance Week Festival, ZKM, Zagreb

Q&A. Very Private. Very Public (10pm)

Emil Hrvatin

27.06.2002 | Festival Infant, Novi Sad

Sweat and Soot

G. Bogdanovski

27.06.2002 | Festival Infant, Novi Sad

Presentation of Maska

Kunst, Hrvatin

28.06.2002 | Festival Infant, Novi Sad

Strategic Subjectivities of Performance Art

B. Kunst

28.06.2002 | Festival Infant, Novi Sad

Miss Mobile

Emil Hrvatin

Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: + 386 1 431 31 22
        + 386 1 431 53 48
Fax.: + 386 1 431 31 22