Jun 200402.06.2004 | TanecPraha, Prague, Czech Republic Q&A.VERY PRIVATE, VERY PUBLICEmil Hrvatin 03.06.2004 | TanecPraha, Prague, Czech Republic Q&A.VERY PRIVATE, VERY PUBLICEmil Hrvatin 16.06.2004 | In the frame of exhibition SNEEZE 80X80, Gazon Rouge Gallery, Athens, Greece FWCEmil Hrvatin, Peter Šenk 21.06.2004 | In the frame of exhibition Borders, gallery A+A, Venice, Italy ZONE CIrena Pivka, Brane Zorman 21.06.2004 | In the frame of exhibition Borders, gallery A+A, Venice, Italy FWCEmil Hrvatin, Peter Šenk 27.06.2004 | In the frame of exhibition Gallery FLACC, Genk, Belgium FWCEmil Hrvatin, Peter Šenk |
Jul 200425.07.2004 | Fool Moon Festival, Finland FORMA INTERROGATIVAMagda Reiter, Mateja Rebolj |
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