technical raider
3 flood ramps 4 times 1 kw / 6 channels @ 2 kw. 4 lee 711, 4 lee 152, 12 lee 251.
29 profiles 1 kw / 19 channels @ 2 kw. 9 lee 061, 9 lee 152, 7 lee 202, 4 lee 203, 4 rosco 114, 24 rosco 119.
28 PC 1 kw / 24 channels @ 2 kw. 4 lee 174, 4 lee 176, 8 lee 711, 9 lee 152, 3 lee 061, 24 rosco 119.
11 pars 64 CP 62 / 11 channels @ 2 kw. 1 lee 152, 5 lee 061, 5 lee 711.
Total: 60 channels @ 2 kw
LIGHT BOARD allowing to program times, chasers and linked memories.
1 cd player.
1 stereo PA in the theater room.
1 stereo PA in the lobby or entrance next to the theater room.
mixboard 4 in / 2 out.
The best option would be a black box with wings and borders.
Minimum 12 by 12 meters (+ wings).
Minimum 6 meters under the grid.
Black dance floor.
1 plateform 1m by 2 m by 60 cm high. The sides of this platform have to be dressed in black moleton. The top has black wooden surface or a piece of dance floor. 1 pedestal 0.5 m by 0.5 m by 1 m high, 1 step in the back to allow access for the dancer. Clean black surfaces. This pedestal might have to be build. Glow tape. Black gaffa.
Strong fishing wire or thin black rope to hang a mobile sculpture. We bring some set elements (mobile sculpture to be hanged, front panel for the pedestal, floor sculpture standing in front of the big plateform, fitting in plane, no extra costs for transportation except fee for overweight luggage).
4 to 5 persons travelling.
schedule: D-3 arrival, D-2 set-up, D-1 set-up + general rehearsal, D performance.