By Magdalena Reiter
Forma Interrogativa. A dance floor as creative field of mutual interrogation for some basic questions to be raised again and again. – How to contain a certain sense, even though it is not necessary for one to pick out a precise content while watching. – Is it possible to become counscious of your weaknesses, your diabilities and use them creatively as advatages? – Quoting consciously and unconsciously. Self-quoting? – What does it mean to be confronted with another in a dialogue? What does it mean to be confronted with yourself? How to avoid uniformity in a duet?
Jury award for the best perfomance at Moving Cake 2005 festival!
Confrontation of two life perspectives; but does age change anything? It’s asking questions about the process of getting mature, about reevaluation of those basic issues, process of finding ansewrs. Devaluating, negating, repeating, quoting oneself, verbalizing one’s own disadventages, posessing only one’s own more or less naive attitute
Two persons - but not a duet, which’d unify, but which is constructed on differences, otherness.
Duet- to be able to see yourself in the other; works like a mirror where you can see your own reflection
movement. not still. not passive. alive. new. sens of live.excitment.forwards.realization. self-realization. importance. ego. belief.
pure form. virginity. secondary virginity. without. lack of content. invisibility. desirable?
being concious of one’s own disabilitiesit - does it change anything?
relation between age and knowladge.
1. concious: being stuck
2. unconcious: life in a quotation
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