Générique performance ®evolucija ©oking gala ¹ov / The Events Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Emergence of the Pupilija Ferkeverk Group audio-commentaries the screening of Pupilija, Papa Pupilo and the Pupilceks – Reconstruction What to affirm? What to perform? / 2009 History Forum, Berlin 39. WEEK OF SLOVENIAN DRAMA MOVING CAKE 2009 EAST DANCE ACADEMY AWARD FOR THEATRE INNOVATION AND AESTHETIC BREAKTHROUGH Three Projects by Janez Jan¹a 1968 Plus Maska journal at Expérience Pommery #5 exhibition
Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education Metelkova 6 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Europe
Tel.: + 386 1 431 31 22 + 386 1 431 53 48 Fax.: + 386 1 431 31 22 info@maska.si