Šoking gala šov / The Events Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Emergence of the Pupilija Ferkeverk Group
21 OCTOBER 2009
17:30, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana -
(Conference Hall)
Pupilija Ferkeverk, miscellany and round table of the
book on Pupilija Ferkeverk
19:00, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana - OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL
(Gallery Vžigalica)
Opening of the exhibition
“Time for revolution” on 40th anniversary of the Pupilja Ferkeverk group.
The exhibition will be opened until 21 November 2009.
22 OCTOBER 2009
10:00 - 18:00, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana -
(Conference Hall)
Performing Visuality, Performing Life – archive of interdisciplinary art practices and social context in Slovenia from 60s to 70s in Slovenia
20:00, DIC - Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja - PERFORMANCE
Janez Janša, Dušan Jovanović,
Monument G2
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Jovan Ćirilov
23 OCTOBER 2009
11:00, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana (Gallery Vžigalica) -
Guidance through the exhibition (Miško Šuvaković)
17:00, Slovenian Theatre Museum - LECTURE
Collective memory and resistant identities: the politics of reconstructions.
Ramsay Burt
20:00, Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana -
Janez Janša,
Fake it!
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by
Hans-Thies Lehmann
24 OCTOBER 2009
Different locations in public spaces, Ljubljana - PERFORMANCE
- Samo Gosarič, Walking performance 2
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Miško Šuvaković
20:00, Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana - PERFORMANCE
- BADco. - 1 poor and one 0, Zagreb
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Isabel de Naveràn
25 OCTOBER 2009
11:00, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana ( Gallery Vžigalica) - EXHIBITION
Guidance through the exhibition (Dušan Jovanović)
20:00, Mala Drama SNG - PERFORMANCE
The Noble Mould of the Pupilija Ferkeverk, reconstruction in realization, GROUP FOR DEVELOPMENT
( group of students of AGRFT, ALOU, Academy for Music and Faculty of Arts)
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Dražen Dragojević
26 OCTOBER 2009
20:00, Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljanaa - PERFORMANCE
Oleg Sulimenko, Andrei Andrionov, Made in Russia, performance from Vienna and Moscow
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Arnd Wesemann
22:30, Cinema Kinodvor, Creening
- Karpo Godina, Gratinirani možgani Pupilije Ferkeverk, 12 min
- Brian de Palma, Performance Group, Dionizij in 69, 80 min
27 OCTOBER 2009
12:00 - 13:30, Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television - SYMPOSIUM OF DRAMATURGY/LECTURE
"The Position of the Spectator in Theatre today": Hans-Thies Lehmann
20:00, Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana - ARTISTIC RESEARCH
Urška Vohar Leotard (triko), Irena Tomažin, Hanna Preuss Ptih, reprise
Stere Popescu, Brynjar Bandlien, Antonja Livingstone & Florin Flueras without, Romunia
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Rok Vevar
28 OCTOBER 2009
11:00, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana ( Gallery Vžigalica) - EXHIBITION
Guidance through the exhibition (Ivo Svetina)
20:00, Cankarjev dom, Linhart Hall - PERFORMANCE
Janez Janša, Pupilija, papa Pupilo, pa Pupilčki – reconstruction, reprise
After the performance, there will be a discussion moderated by Darko Štrajn
22:30, Cankarjev dom, Hall P2 - CONCERT
Concert from the songs of the performances Pupilija, papa Pupilo and Pupilceks and Monument G2
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