The book Libi_doc: Journeys in the Performance of Sex Art presents itself as a comprehensive study and visually stimulating art book, and was prepared by two well equipped researchers. One writes from the road and has overtly sympathetic, or ‘intoxicated’ subliminal reactions to the researched subjects. The other is locked inside an office and using the best of his theoretical insights. Their subjects, and the subject of the book, are 27 leading contemporary artists, whose work explicitly or subtly touches on human sexuality and pornographic representation. The artists show their works and comment on major developments in digital media and open sexuality, explaining the power of social networks, exhibitionism and excess, also the pains of societal rejection and censorship. The journeys of contemporary art and pornouveau media, the sex craze of libidot and (almost fatal) abstinence of Dr.Jacobs, are represented through commentaries and high quality color reproductions of major art works. Libidot is represented in drawings created by the Belgian artist Piepke. Dr Jacobs, the ‘high’ theorist and office bound academic, is represented photographically by Ms. Jacobs in male drag. The photographs were shot by Andrew Guthrie and Ismail Necmi
English edition.
Regular price: 28.79 EUR
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