Minea Sončan Mihajlović (1977) graduated in Painting from Accademia di Belle Arti, Venezia (Academy of Fine Arts, Venice) and in International Economics from the Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana. Since September 2008, she has been in charge of PR and website editing at Maska. In 2005, she coordinated the Slovenian Science Festival organized by the Slovenian Science Foundation. She releases her creative energy through designing catalogues, theatre programmes and brochures. She is an Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga teacher with the RYS certificate.
Maska, Institute for Publishing, Production and Education
Metelkova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: + 386 1 431 31 22
+ 386 1 431 53 48
Fax.: + 386 1 431 31 22