Tehnični raider
Cell phone performance by Janez Janša
Produced by Maska Production
The organizer must check if there is a signal for cell phones in the performance venue!
2 chairs
1 table (min. 120x60cm)
2 tables cca 80x60cm
10 drawing papers (for aquarell drawings, absorbing liquids) 100x70cm
6 panels /2x1m/ for attaching the papers
projection screen 3x4m
LCD projector 2500 ansi lumens with remote controller, 1 VGA port, 1 video port (RCA or S-VHS)
Video switcher (1 VGA port, 1 video port (RCA or S-VHS)
Mini DV camera
- from laptop (PC, provided by Maska) to LCD projector cca. 20m (lenght depends on position in the venue)
- from mini DV camera to LCD projector RCA (prolongation) or S-VHS cabel cca. 20m (lenght depends on position in the venue)
Mixer Mackie 1604 VLZ PRO (or compatible, not less than 4 chanells)
1 head set microphone
6 loudspeakers
2 monitor loudspeakers
2 cabels (RCA, line in + line out) from switcher box (provided by Maska) to mixer cca 20m (lenght depends on position in the venue)
1 cabel stereo 3.5 from mini DV camera to mixer cca 20m (lenght depends on position in the venue)
The organizer should provide sound and video technician on the day of the performance. Organizer should provide also a cameraman to do live transmision of the performance.
Working lights. Audience should be illuminated with the same intensity as performers.
1 litter of cold water, 2 glasses
Set up time:
6 hours
Running time:
Approx. 1 hour 10 minutes (no intermition)
Min. 60, Max 250 spectators
Means for drawing:
Make up (several types), lipstick, colour hair spray, wine, beer, butter, nutella, honey, ketchup, tuna paste, fresh fruits, eggs, shaving cream …
Note: The organizer takes painter to the store to buy needed materials. Average costs for the means for drawing are 130 EUR.
Miss Mobile can be performed in english, italian, slovenian and croatian.
Important notes:
The performers in Miss Mobile are:
Mobile Moderator (Janez Janša) – talks with virtual protagonists
Mobile Portraitist (Sašo Vrabič) – portraits virtual protagonists
Dossier Maker – writes down notes from conversations.
The organizer should provide a person experienced in working in PowerPoint software or at least experienced to work in different softwares. The organizer takes care that the Dossier Maker meets other 2 artists as soon as they arrived to the performance venue.
The Mobile Moderator asks audience to call their friends, colleagues etc. and lends 6-8 cell phones from them. The Mobile Moderator holds all 6-8 lines on for about 45 minutes. If the organizer expects that might cause problems during the performance, he should provide financial or any other compensation for that phone calls to the cell phones owners.
The organizer should inform audience that they might be asked to lend their cell phones to the performer. The organizer should warn spectators in advance to fill in the batteries of their cell phones.
The organizer should inform Maska about the dominant cell phones brands in the area at least 14 days before the date of performance.
The performance should be announced in all public presentation as:
Miss Mobile
Cell phone performance by Janez Janša
Produced by Maska Production, Ljubljana
No. of the Miss Mobile team:
4 – moderator, portraitist, sound technician, organizer
Travelling: from Ljubljana
Room request: 4 single rooms